Romance Recommendations: Paranormal/Supernatural Romance

Like many of you probably are, I absolutely love to read paranormal/supernatural romance. This started off specifically with vampires and werewolves for me then as the years went on it also turned into witches, sifters and aliens. I love these books because I feel like the paranormal/supernatural elements of the books really add something to the romance of it. Plus I find these books tend to have strong, sexy, alpha male characters. I mean who doesn't want that? I'm always looking for new recommendations in this genre so I thought I would make a list for you guys of some of my favourites! Please leave any of your recommendations in the comments section 😍

I'm not really sure how to organise these recommendations so I'm just going to make a list in no particular order. 

The Grey Wolves series by Quinn Loftis 

I first read this series starting when I was 12. This is a young adult series and is honestly so so good! Not only are there wolves in this story but there are also Fae, Vampires and I think a whole bunch of other paranormal creatures. I will admit, I haven't read all of the books in this series. I believe the author is still writing these books but the last one that I read was number 7 Sacrifice of Love. I am sure the other books following this one are also really good but I will have to re-read the first seven again before I can continue. 

The Lacey Hannigan series by Elaine Pierson 

This is another wolf series that I also discovered when I was 12. This was originally a trilogy however according to Goodreads there is now a fourth book which I have not read yet as it was publish many years after the other three. Part of the reason that I love these books is because you really do not see the plot coming. I don't think I could have been more shocked to be honest. Definitely a recommended read if you like young adult books. 

Born To Darkness series by Evangeline Anderson 

I'm going to go ahead and make the bold claim that this is one of my favourite series! They are set out a bit weird on the Goodreads page but it is a three book series. Each book focuses on a different couple, however all of the characters are featured in each book with many plot lines overlapping. There is a fourth book on Goodreads as well however I believe that one is not being written anymore. Not only are the story lines of these books really good, but the romance factor of them is also really good! You will end up really rooting for the couples. Also, there are some super sexy scenes in these books. I mean, WOW. 

Shifter Town series by Novalee Swan 

If you are a fan of shifter romances, you will be a fan of these books! My favourite of this series was the first book, Bare In The Bar. I feel like for these books, there is not necessarily an overarching story line in each book but it is rather the story of each of the couples getting together. I mean, these are story lines in themselves but from memory there weren't any forces keeping them apart or anything that was angst inducing. Still highly recommend though for the sexy, dominant male shifters 🔥.

Brides Of The Kindred series by Evangeline Anderson 

This is an alien romance series based around the species known as the Kindred. There are many different types of Kindred each of which has a different kind of power. I will say, there are A LOT of books in this series. I have only read the first four but I believe there might be up to thirty books now in this series. I definitely want to read more of them. Not only are these really good romances but they also have some REALLY sexy scenes. I mean REALLY sexy 😍. 

Zandian Masters by Renee Rose

This is another alien romance series. This one I will say has some pretty intense sex scenes. I don't mind that kind of thing but if it's not for you, I would give this series a pass. I do think that these are also super romantic. The male characters are all super alpha male and dominant and are super protective of their women. I really like this in these types of books! It's so romantic that they care so much for their women that they would do anything for them. I also like how this series all links together! I definitely recommend reading them in order. 

Zandian Brides by Renee Rose

This series is related to the Zandian Masters series by the same author. I really enjoyed this series, but probably not as much as the Zandian Masters. The Zandian's in this series are the same as the previous one. They are all sexy, strong, dominant alpha males. The synopsis for this series is that human females have been assigned as mates to Zandian males. It's almost a little bit like a mail order bride situation going on. Definitely recommend these!

If you have any recommendations please leave them in the comments for me or let me know if you have read any of the ones that I have recommended! 

Happy Reading, 
xx Jess
