Book Review: The Enemy by Sarah Adams


"I refuse to let a man break me again. No matter how many figurines I could set on his ab shelves."
This book has taken the spot as my favourite book of 2020! That is a pretty big claim because so far I have read approximately 120 books this year. This book is an enemies to lovers romance and is closed door. Now, as much as I love a super sexy, steamy romance there is something about the closed door romances that I just find so overwhelmingly sweet. Rather than focusing on the steam, this book focuses on the quirky, funny and adorable moments of this relationship. June and Ryan are the ultimate couple! 

It’s been twelve years since I’ve seen him. Twelve years since he won our war of wits by outsmarting me with a tactic I didn’t even know was allowed. But tonight…I resurrect the battle.
Ryan Henderson is back in town for our best friends’ wedding, and I plan on showing him exactly how much I don’t care about him—or the almost kiss he ruthlessly dangled over me after graduation.
A lot has changed since our feuding days. I'm a successful bakery owner now, and I plan to rub every delicious detail of my life in his ugly face.
Just one problem: his face is gorgeous. 

He wasn’t supposed to look like this or pursue me like a sexy guided missile. I must stay strong until the wedding is over and Ryan scurries back into whatever alternate universe he escaped from.
His interest in me is nothing but a continuation of the games we played in high school...right?
But the longer he stays, the more I wonder if I’m wrong and his tender smile and heated attentions are genuine. Maybe it’s not a game.
Ha! Who am I kidding? This is Ryan we’re talking about. Of course it’s a game. A game called war. And this time, I will win.

This book has every quality that I look for in a romantic comedy, it is definitely a 5 ⭐ read! The first thing that I loved about this book was the concept. I adore a good enemies to lovers romance and this one was written exceptionally well! It included all of the aspects of these relationships that I love. It has the prank wars, the avoidance tactics and the obvious underlying love that is shared between the characters. I was constantly looking forward to what either Ryan or June would do next and what the retaliation would be! 

June's character was someone that I really felt like I could relate too. All of the unfortunate situations that she got herself into I honestly felt like it was the sort of thing that would happen to me. I also felt like I could relate to the insecurities that she had. These were confidence issues within herself and also within her relationships. Not only was she relatable but June was also a super funny character! So many of the things she did had me laughing out loud. 

As for Ryan, hot damn he just took top spot as my ultimate book boyfriend. He was determined, sweet, funny and protective. He had pretty much every characteristic I would look for in a leading male character. I love how he continued to pursue June and always knew what she was feeling even if the didn't say it out loud. He always wanted to know how she was feeling and always wanted her to be truthful with him about any problems she was having. He truly wanted to listen to what she was saying. This is quite a small detail of the story but I loved how he gave her the nickname June Bug. To me this was just the absolute sweetest, cutest thing ever! 

There were so many scenes in this book that have just stuck in my brain. The first meeting of Ryan and June after 12 years was absolutely iconic to me. Another favourite scene of mine is the shower scene. This was both sexy and hilarious. It wasn't sexy in the normal sense that you would think for a shower scene but rather it was sexy because Ryan went all alpha male. One of my other favourite scenes was when Ryan and June were cooking dinner and he decided to give her a lesson on how to cut a potato. This was so funny to me because 1, the way that Sarah wrote it was hilarious and 2, I remember being in home ec. class in high school and my teacher literally spent a 100 minute lesson teaching us how to cut an onion. Let's just say I had a lot of the same thoughts as June during this class. 

This book is definitely my favourite release of 2020. I would actually give it 6/5 ⭐'s. One of the favourite quotes from this book is one that I found to be really touching! There is just something about it that makes my inner monologue voice go "awwwww", that quote is: 
"This," my heart whispers, "is what we've been missing."

Have you read this book? What did you think? 

Happy Reading, 
Jess xx 

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