Book Review: Catching Him by Aurora Rose Reynolds

"The first time I saw you, you took my breath away. I thought I dreamed you up..."
Leah Emerson isn’t looking for a man—she’s looking for the right man. But her mother’s idea of a great catch leaves her cold, and she’s pretty sure her cocky, arrogant, and way too good-looking new neighbor isn’t the one either. If only her wayward cat would stop jumping through his window, she could get on with her life.

Tyler Duncan moved into town for a new job, not to fall in love. But he always goes after the things he wants in life with steadfast determination…and he wants Leah Emerson. He wants her smiles, he wants her touch, and he definitely wants her in bed.

Unfortunately, someone else wants Leah—in the worst way. Now Tyler’s on a mission to protect the woman he’s falling in love with while proving he’s worth falling for, and Leah must decide whether Tyler is a catch worth catching… 

Ok, this book was honestly better than I was expecting. I'm giving it 4.5/5 ⭐'s. The only reason that I have not given it 5 ⭐'s is because I thought that the end was a bit too predictable. I really liked the ending I just wish that it was maybe a bit more of a twist. 

This book pretty much follows the relationship of Tyler and Leah from their first meeting to their happily ever after. I really enjoyed all of the ups and downs of the relationship in between. I think one of my favourite aspects of this book is that it was Tyler who was chasing Leah. Leah is at the point of her life where she is sick of being the one to chase after a man and always being left disappointed. She has decided that for once she wants to be the one who is chased and feel like she is truly loved. Cue the entrance of Tyler here. He has just moved in the house next door and lets just say that their first meeting was fairly eventful. The rest of the book follows them becoming friends then transitioning into lovers. Tyler specifically points out that he wanted her to get to know him and to gain her trust before he pursued the relationship that he desired from their first meeting. I really liked that he took the time to make sure that she trusted him before he tried to take the relationship further, for me this is a sign that he really wants the relationship to work long term. The only downside to me for this book was that I felt the character that wanted Leah and Tyler was trying to protect her from was really predictable. I pretty much knew who it was from the first thing that they did to try to get to them. I didn't hate the fact that this character was chosen (sorry I'm being vague here, I don't want to spoil it for anyone) I just think that maybe it could have been better if the 'evil' character turned out to be someone that I wouldn't expect. Another aspect of this book that I really liked is not related to the plot but it is related to the set-up of the book. The tag line on the cover is How to Catch an Alpha. In relation to this, each 'chapter' is called a suggestion. In each of the chapters, there is the idea of a suggestion on how to catch an alpha. How creative is that! Some examples include Suggestion 1: Adopt The Adoptable Cat, Suggestion 9: Don't Let A Little Arson Ruin Your Night and Suggestion 13: Be A Badass. Another thing that I really liked about this book was that it was a dual POV. I feel like in a lot of romance books the story is always from the females point of view. In this story I really enjoyed seeing the relationship and events of the story from Tyler's point of view. 

I absolutely love Leah's character. I really liked how she was a strong woman who knew exactly what she wanted in life (enter Tyler) and also wasn't afraid to defend others. There is a specific scene in this book that has Leah protecting another woman. Despite putting herself in danger by doing this, she never apologised for doing what she as necessary. I admire this trait of hers. I also love how thoughtful Leah is to those that she loves. The small things that she would do for Tyler to make his day easier or better were so sweet. Leah is also a very stubborn character. We see this on multiple occasions, usually when she is with Tyler. To me this makes the chemistry between them even more electric. 

*Cue drooling here*. Tyler was so many things in this book. He was sweet and caring but also dark and dangerous. Regardless of what mood he was in, he always protected Leah and in many different ways showed her how much he cared. I loved how infatuated that he was with her. Throughout the story Leah would do really small gestures for him. He always commented when she did these that he didn't think it was possible for her to be more perfect. He never expected her to go above and beyond for him. Just her being there was enough. It was really enjoyable as a reader to know that he didn't have any ulterior motive, he just loved her for who she was. Tyler was also a fairly jealous character when it came to Leah. I think the author did a really good job of not making him jealous to the extent of it being controlling but just enough so that is was endearing. 

Overall Thoughts:
I think it is safe to say that this book was a really enjoyable read. I was fully engrossed in the story from beginning to end. I also really appreciate that within their story, there was never any cheating between Leah and Tyler and they pretty much fell for each other from the beginning (at least for Tyler, it took a but longer for Leah). For a cute but also VERY sexy romance that has a happily ever after, this book is a great choice!

Favourite Quote: 
I honestly read this book so fast and enjoyed it so much that I didn't make many notes. In fact, I only highlighted two quotes that I loved but I know for a fact there were more. I do however think the the quote that I have chosen as my favourite is just so romantic that even if I had more notes I would still choose this one 😍
"My home is you. Wherever you are is where I belong, the only place I belong."

Books Mentioned: 
Catching Him by Aurora Rose Reynolds 
