Book Review: Man Cuffed by Sabrina Bowen and Tanya Eby

"Knock it off," Macguire snips, "I'm not a stripper." Then he does something I'm not expecting. He leans close to my ear and whispers, "At least, not for hire. Only when I volunteer."

A good cop can always spot trouble. That’s why my senses started pinging the moment I met the hottie next door. The neighborhood may never be the same. First she confuses me for a male stripper and tries to remove my uniform. (The guys on the force will never let me live that down.) And then there’s the breaking and entering.
I don’t know what to do with her. My libido has a few ideas of its own, though. Bad, bad ideas.

Hey, I it’s not my fault that Hot Cop’s nightstick gets excited every time we see each other. And I can’t help that someone broke into his apartment.
Fine—that last thing was totally my fault. And I intend to make amends. So when he needs a date for his sister’s wedding, I’m there. This is right up my alley. I’m an actor. By the time it’s over, his entire family will believe we’re a couple.
Even him.

For me this book was definitely 5/5 ⭐'s. 
There wasn't single thing that I didn't like about this book. The chemistry between the characters was intense and the overall plot of the story was hilarious. I have included some further details below 👀👇

The plot of this book was honestly so good. The blurb drew me in (as well as the cover obviously, I mean hot damn 👉). I will admit I am an absolute sucker for any kind of romance that includes police, military, fireman or bodyguard characters. They always draw me in and this was no exception. When Meg moves next door to Mac I feel like it was fate. Ever since the very first time they met (which was a hilarious meet cute by the way) I felt the chemistry that was between them. It was one of those times that I didn't doubt that I would love them together as a couple. I really loved all the plot points that the authors were able to make from the fact that they were neighbours. Including the breaking and entering and the second meet cute in the elevator. I actually really liked what the authors used as the complication within Meg and Mac's relationship (also their ship name to me is definitely M&M). I appreciated that the problem was with Mac, not with Meg. Meg knew what she wanted, it was Mac that was slow on the uptake. I also was a fan of how they essentially became friends before eventually becoming lovers (although they definitely had the hots for each other from second 1). 

I absolutely adored Meg in this story. She was a very confidant, strong woman. She knew what she wanted from her life and set out to get it. Then within her relationship she knew what she wanted and what she deserved and would not settle for less than. She was essentially the black sheep of her family as she chose to follow the path of the arts rather than science. She did waitress jobs to support herself whilst she was trying to make it as an actor. She had the confidence to know that the waitress jobs were just temporary until she found her true calling. In the end, I absolutely LOVED what the authors decided her job would be. It was extremely unique and not at all what I was expecting. This book had so many great quotes that I decided to choose one for my favourite quote for the entire book but also choose my favourite quotes from the main characters. For Meg I have chosen two quotes. First, "There have to be men in the world with good hearts and dirty minds. There just have to be." I mean I feel this on a spiritual level. The other quote I chose is, "Still, the compliment hits me right in the tits." I liked this one because never in a million years did I think that sentence would end that way. 

As far as male protagonists go, Mac for me is an ultimate book boyfriend. This is first because of the fact that he is a hunky police man. I mean I feel like his character is just the definition of sexy. He is also a really funny character. I always love a character that can make me laugh. To this effect one of my favourite quotes from Mac is, "Fine. I'll pretend to be this douchecanoe. But remember that you asked for it." Not only was Mac a funny character, he was also really romantic and sweet. He really cares for Meg and in a number of situations he went out of his way to see her and to make her happy. One of my favourite romantic quotes from Mac is, '"You're perfect just as you are." He says those words. Out loud. And I hear them.'

Supporting Characters
The supporting characters in this book are absolutely AMAZING! First off, Mac's partner Lance was truly an amazing character. I love how he was obsessed with Cosmo quiz's and romance books (especially the kinky ones) and he always encouraged Mac to just go for it. I also really liked Mac's sister (to be honest I have forgotten her name, I want to say it's Katie but that could be wrong 🤷). She wasn't necessarily in the book a lot but her appearances for me were always funny and I loved the part that she played in M&M's happily ever after. Mac's parents were also amazing characters. They had very minor parts in the story but they were so quirky that you couldn't forget them. I especially found their relationship to be really beautiful. Mac's mother was the crazy one and his father just went along with her and would support everything that she did (including wearing horrendous hand crochet sweaters, with shoulder pads). 

Overall Thoughts 
Overall, I could not find anything about this book that I didn't like. I really enjoyed the story line and I liked the way that the author handled the complication between Mac and his family (there is a whole fiancee twin brother plot that happens here). 

Favourite Quote
Ok, this book was just full of quotes that I wanted to include. In the end I have gone with the quote that started a scene that truly made me laugh. 
"Mac and his father are both standing there, blowing air into giant inflatable…dicks."
 Have any of you guys read this book? Let me know your thoughts! Also I thought I would mentioned that I have just seen that this book is part of a series. I will definitely have to read the rest of them. If you guys have read any of the other books in the series please share your thoughts in the comments. 

Books Mentioned
Man Cuffed by Sabrina Bowen and Tanya Eby 

Others in this Series
Man Hands 
Man Card 
Boy Toy 



  1. I’m a sucker for books with policemen and when they are neighbors so I’ll definitely check this out!

    1. You will love it! I'm not even exaggerating when I say it is one of my favourite books I have read in a while <3


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