My Christmas Reading List

ATTENTION EVERYONE! THERE IS ONLY 75 DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS! This year I have decided that I want to read a bunch of Christmas set/themed romances in December (and let's be honest, probably November). I am an absolute sucker for any cheesy Christmas stories, especially any Hallmark Channel Christmas movies. They are so bad that they are good! I thought I would share with you guys a list of the books that I am planning on reading this Christmas season. I am planning on purchasing a bunch of these in paperback form but also a bunch as e-books (because let's be honest, books can be freaking expensive). Please let me know any recommendations that you might have for me in the comments!

The first book that I am planning on getting is a bit of a different one. It isn't actually a novel its a build your own Christmas movie book! I thought the idea of this was so freaking cute and totally up my ally. I am super excited to order this one. I'll link it here so you guys can check it out. They also make a rom-com version of this that I think I will also have to get. 

The first novel that I have chosen is Starry Night by Debbie Macomber. This book includes a reporter, a reclusive author, Christmas, Alaskan wilderness and romance. I mean what more could I possibly ask for? Plus it doesn't hurt that the cover of this book is super pretty! 

The next book that I have found is Christmas At Mistletoe Cove by Holly Martin. This book has got to have one of the cutest Christmas themed covers ever! Looking at it just gets me into the Christmas spirit. This is a friends to lovers romance and is set on an island. It sounds like such a cute seasonal read. Plus, this is recommended for fans of Debbie Macomber so I'm pretty sure I'm going to love it! 

Next up I have, One Christmas Kiss in Notting Hill by Mandy Baggot. As a fan of the movie Notting Hill I was automatically drawn to this book. Throw in a bit of a Christmas romance sceptic and a cute love interest and I am hooked! Plus this is another book that has a super cute cover. I will admit, a lot of these books I first found by looking at the covers. 

My next pick is The Christmas Wish by Tilly Tennant. A girl who is really down on her luck goes on a holiday where she meets a handsome, broody actor. This book sounds like it will have some plot twists in it and I love books that involve actors/celebrities. I always find them to be super entertaining. 

Next up I have Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses by Jenny Hale. Is that not the cutest title ever!? This is a single mother romance which I have really seemed to be getting into at the moment. Plus this has been made into a Hallmark movie so I am guessing it probably has everything I could ever want in it. It includes a broody rich business man who gets into the Christmas spirit with the help of Abbey and her son. I cannot wait to read this! 

My next pick is 25 Days 'Til Christmas by Poppy Alexander. This book sounds like it will be quite emotional. We follow two broken characters as they bring each other back to life and rediscover their happiness. 

My next pick I know is quite a popular one, Royal Holiday by Jasmine Guillory. This is a royal Christmas romance and I could not be more excited about it. An American woman and a secretary for the royal family in the UK fall in love and we follow along on their journey. This book sounds exactly like the type of thing that I would love to read. 

The next book I have chosen is one that I was drawn to by the title. It is Pride, Prejudice and Mistletoe by Melissa De La Cruz. This is another book that was made into a Hallmark movie so I am super excited to read it! I think I might have to watch the movie first though because I have no chill. Plus, this is another book that has a super cute, seasonal cover.

My next pick is another one that has been super hyped and I have been super excited for it. It is In A Holidaze by Christina Lauren. I love this author duo so much that this book is an auto buy for me. I love their writing style and the Ground-Hog Day concept of this book is super cool. 

I'm down to my final three physical books that I want to get! I feel like this is so many books but I am just super excited for Christmas. I am that person who just has no chill at Christmas time and who always has the Christmas carols playing. The next book that I have chosen is We Met In December by Rosie Curtis. We follow two flat-mates and their story for a year and get to see their story. And surprise, surprise this book also has a super cute cover. 

My second last pick is A Gift In December by Jenny Gladwell. This one is recommended for fans of One Day In December by Josie Silver which is a book that I loved! The main character is sent on a work trip to Norway where she meets an infuriating TV presenter. We get to follow along on their story and their seasonal romance. 

My last pick for my physical seasonal reads is The Twelve Dates of Christmas by Jenny Bayliss. This is another book that I was drawn in by the title. This is an online dating rom-com and I am so excited for it! Any kind of online dating romances I absolutely adore. I love reading about the absolutely terrible dates that the characters end up on! This might be the one that I am most excited to read. 

So there you have it, my 12 planned physical book reads for Christmas this year. I am so excited to order and read these stories! I am also super proud of myself for narrowing down my list to 12. I have a bunch more Christmas e-books on my list to read and I will share those with you in another blog post! Let me know if you have any recommendations for me. 

Happy Reading, 
Jess xx 

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